Introducing the NCSCT
The NCSCT is a social enterprise committed to:
- support the delivery of smoking cessation interventions provided by local stop smoking services
- support the NHS and Local Authorities to deliver effective evidence-based tobacco control programmes
- deliver training and assessment programmes, resources and guidance to stop smoking practitioners and other health and social care professionals
The NCSCT was initially established at University College London in 2009 by Professors Robert West and Susan Michie, and current Chief Executive Dr Andy McEwen via a three year Department of Health grant. Now a community interest company, the NCSCT is part-funded through a contract with the Department of Health and Social Care (2023-26) and through licensing its training and assessment programme (to Public Health Wales, The Health Services Executive (Republic of Ireland) and the Ministry of Defence), delivering face-to-face (virtual) training courses, providing consultancy services and participating in research.
The NCSCT is not a provider of stop smoking support because that would create a conflict of interest with its role in establishing and monitoring standards of delivery.
The NCSCT and its staff have a clear policy to not engage in work or conversation with companies who receive funding or backing from organisations related to the tobacco industry in line with Article 5.3 of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and following guidance from the Department of Health and Social Care:
Guidance for government engagement with the tobacco industry