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  • NHS Acute Inpatient Tobacco Dependence Adviser Training Resources

    On behalf of NHS England (NHSE) we are pleased to host a comprehensive suite of training resources to support the training of Tobacco Dependence Advisors (TDAs) who work with patients hospitalised in acute trusts.

    The materials provide trainers with high-quality, evidence-based training resources to support local training delivery. The resources have been developed by national experts and covers the NHS-NCSCT core competencies for TDAs.

    These training resources are designed for delivery by in-house trainers. They can also be delivered by external training organisations and the NCSCT can be commissioned to deliver this training on your behalf. To learn more about commissioning a training course from the NCSCT, see the Virtual training page in the TRAINING RESOURCES section of this website, or contact NCSCT Training Coordinator Tom Coleman-Haynes to discuss your training needs.


    This training will support TDAs to have confidence in delivering the core competences (knowledge and skills) needed for inpatient tobacco treatment delivery. The course materials support delivery of the newly published NHS-NCSCT Standard Treatment Plan for Inpatient Tobacco Dependence .

    Target audience
    Course materials are designed for the training of NHS TDAs. The training is also suitable for other health care professionals who will be delivering specialist tobacco dependence treatment to patients admitted to an acute trust.

    About the training materials
    Training materials have been designed for both virtual (via Zoom, Teams) or face-to-face delivery. Course content is also available in modular format so that localities can tailor training delivery to meet local needs.

    The training suite includes all the necessary resources for delivering a two-day training course, including:
    • Participant registration form, course outline and timetable
    • Comprehensive trainer's guides
    • PowerPoint slides
    • Detailed presenter's notes
    • Film clips
    • Participant handouts
    • Course evaluation materials

    The training materials include presentations, case studies, role-play, film clips, group work and experiential-based learning techniques.

    Modifying the training materials for local use
    These training resources have been developed by national experts to deliver current evidence-based best practice, and reflect the core components of the NHSE tobacco treatment pathway for inpatients. As such, training content should not be modified. There are specific sections indicated where you can add local data, pathways or other information to tailor the training to your locality provided it is consistent with the learning objectives of this course.

    We welcome your feedback
    The NCSCT has been commissioned by NHSE to formally review and update these resources annually. If you have any suggestions for improvements to the training resources then please use this Feedback Form for suggestions, corrections or comments, or email

    If you experience problems downloading the suite of training materials, please contact your IT department for help as it is likely that the problem lies with access from your trust.

    Evaluation materials

    This page includes resources to support local evaluation of the inpatient tobacco dependence advisor training course. This includes pre-and post-course questionnaires, a trainer feedback form, and a template course report.

    All groups delivering local training should ensure that course evaluations are completed using these tools. Course evaluations are important for assessing how well the training has met the learning needs of trainees. Having a common approach to course evaluation allows us to gain learning and insights that can inform improvements and updates to the suite of training materials.

    Course evaluation resources
    The following resources for course evaluation are contained within the folder in the link below:

    • Pre-course confidence in competence questionnaire
    • Post-course confidence in competence questionnaire
    • Course evaluation feedback form for participants
    • Course evaluation form for local trainers
    • Template course evaluation report
    Click here to download the Course evaluation resources (Acute)

    Two-Day Course Materials

    This page contains a comprehensive set of resources for trainers to support local course delivery. Resources include trainer's guides, key messages for trainers, presenter's notes, course checklists and all training support materials.

    Training can be delivered online (via Teams or Zoom) or face-to-face. The trainer’s guides provide instruction on how training may be modified for each delivery format.

    Training resources
    The comprehensive suite of training resources have been divided into sections and are contained in folders that you can download by clicking the link below each section.

    Course materials
    The following resources for trainers are contained within the folder in the link below:

    • Index of training materials
    • Day 1 TDA Acute Inpatient Trainer’s Guide
    • Day 2 TDA Acute Inpatient Trainer’s Guide
    • Day 1 AM TDA Acute Inpatient PowerPoint presentation
    • Day 1 PM TDA Acute Inpatient PowerPoint presentation
    • Day 2 AM TDA Acute Inpatient PowerPoint presentation
    • Day 2 PM TDA Acute Inpatient PowerPoint presentation
    Click here to download the Two day training course materials (Acute)

    Pre-course materials
    The following resources for trainers are contained within the folder in the link below:
    • Two-day course outline
    • Registration form
    • Tobacco Dependence Treatment Best Practices and Key Messages
    • Standard Treatment Plan for Inpatient Tobacco Dependence Treatment
    Click here to access and download the Pre-course materials

    Participant handouts (Day 1)
    The following resources for participants are contained within the folder in the link below:
    • Patient statements (1)
    • Inpatient STP checklists
    • Patient profiles
    • Tobacco dependence aids quick reference
    • Medications and aids worksheet
    • Individualised dosing
    Click here to access and download the Participant handouts (Day 1)

    Participant handouts (Day 2)
    The following resources for participants are contained within the folder in the link below:
    • Patient statements (2)
    • Inpatient STP checklists
    • Follow-up checklist and patient case study
    • Strategies worksheet
    • Discharge planning checklist and patient case study
    Click here to access and download the Participant handouts (Day 2)

    Post-course materials
    The following resources for participants are contained within the folder in the link below:
    • NICE Guidance
    • NCSCT Combination NRT briefing
    • NCSCT Vaping briefing
    • NCSCT Cytisine briefing
    • NCSCT Smoking cessation and cannabis briefing
    Click here to access and download the Post-course materials

    Modular Training Materials

    The two-day training course materials have been divided into individual modules to allow flexible delivery. The training modules vary from 10 to 40 minutes in length and cover specific topics and skills. Some modules may also be used when training other NHS staff.

    We have included a training guide and all the necessary training resources to deliver each individual module.

    Modules are contained in folders that you can download by clicking the link below each module section.

    Training module overview
    The following Training module overview is contained within the folder below

    • Overview of training modules
    Click here to access and download the training module overview

    Module 1: Introduction
    The following resources for Module 1 are contained within the folder below.
    • Introduction: Trainer’s Guide
    • Introduction: PowerPoint presentation
    Click here to access and download Module 1 materials

    Module 2: Treating tobacco dependence in the inpatient setting
    The following resources for Module 2 are contained within the folder below.
    • Treating tobacco dependence in the inpatient setting: Trainers Guide
    • Treating tobacco dependence in the inpatient setting: PowerPoint presentation
    Click here to access and download Module 2 materials

    Module 3: Understanding tobacco dependence in the inpatient setting
    The following resources for Module 3 are contained within the folder below.
    • Understanding tobacco dependence in the inpatient setting: Trainers Guide
    • Understanding tobacco dependence in the inpatient setting: PowerPoint presentation
    Click here to access and download Module 3 materials

    Module 4: Behaviour change techniques and core communication skills
    The following resources for Module 4 are contained within the folder below.
    • Behaviour change techniques and core communication skills: Trainers Guide
    • Behaviour change techniques and core communication skills: PowerPoint presentation
    • Handout 1: Patient statements
    Click here to access and download Module 4 materials

    Module 5: Effective use of tobacco dependence aids
    The following resources for Module 5 are contained within the folder below.
    • Effective use of stop smoking aids: Trainers Guide
    • Effective use of stop smoking aids: PowerPoint presentation
    • Handout 1: Tobacco dependence aids quick reference
    Click here to access and download Module 5 materials

    Module 6: Nicotine replacement therapy: Getting to know the products
    The following resources for Module 6 are contained within the folder below.
    • Nicotine replacement therapy: Getting to know the products: Trainers Guide
    • Nicotine replacement therapy: Getting to know the products: PowerPoint presentation
    • Handout 1: Tobacco dependence aids quick reference
    • Handout 2: Medications and aids worksheet
    Click here to access and download Module 6 materials

    Module 7: Nicotine vapes
    The following resources for Module 7 are contained within the folder below.
    • Nicotine vapes: Trainers Guide
    • Nicotine vapes: PowerPoint presentation
    • Handout 1: Tobacco dependence aids quick reference
    Click here to access and download Module 7 materials

    Module 8: Individualised dosing
    The following resources for Module 8 are contained within the folder below.
    • Individualised dosing: Trainers Guide
    • Individualised dosing: PowerPoint presentation
    • Handout 1: Individualised dosing
    • Handout 2: Tobacco dependence aids quick reference
    Click here to access and download Module 8 materials

    Module 9: Discussing tobacco dependence aids with patients
    The following resources for Module 9 are contained within the folder below.
    • Addressing ambivalence and resistanceDiscussing tobacco dependence aids with patients: Trainers Guide
    • Discussing tobacco dependence aids with patients: PowerPoint presentation
    • Handout 1: Inpatient STP checklists
    • Handout 2: Patient profiles
    • Handout 3: Tobacco dependence aids quick reference
    Click here to access and download Module 9 materials

    Module 10: Nicotine analogues (varenicline and cytisine) and bupropion
    The following resources for Module 10 are contained within the folder below.
    • Nicotine analogues (varenicline and cytisine) and bupropion: Trainers Guide
    • Nicotine analogues (varenicline and cytisine) and bupropion: PowerPoint presentation
    • Handout 1: Tobacco dependence aids quick reference
    Click here to access and download Module 10 materials

    Module 11: Addressing ambivalence and resistance
    The following resources for Module 11 are contained within the folder below.
    • Addressing ambivalence and resistance: Trainers Guide
    • Addressing ambivalence and resistance: PowerPoint presentation
    • Handout 1: Patient statements
    Click here to access and download Module11 materials

    Module 12: Carbon monoxide monitoring as a motivational tool
    The following resources for Module 12 are contained within the folder below.
    • Carbon monoxide monitoring: Trainers Guide
    • Carbon monoxide monitoring: PowerPoint presentation
    Click here to access and download Module 12 materials

    Module 13: Smoking and medications interactions: the essentials
    The following resources for Module 13 are contained within the folder below.
    • Smoking and medications interactions: Trainers Guide
    • Smoking and medications interactions: PowerPoint presentation
    Click here to access and download Module 13 materials

    Module 14: Initial assessment and treatment plan
    The following resources for Module 14 are contained within the folder below.
    • Initial assessment and treatment plan: Trainers Guide
    • Initial assessment and treatment plan: PowerPoint presentation
    • Handout 1: Inpatient STP checklists
    • Handout 2: Patient profiles
    Click here to access and download Module 14 materials

    Module 15: Follow-up scenarios
    The following resources for Module 15 are contained within the folder below.
    • Follow-up support and patient scenarios: Trainers Guide
    • Follow-up support and patient scenarios: PowerPoint presentation
    • Handout 1: Follow-up checklist and patient case study
    Click here to access and download Module 15 materials

    Module 16: Discharge planning
    The following resources for Module 16 are contained within the folder below.
    • Discharge planning: Trainer’s Guide
    • Discharge planning: PowerPoint presentation
    • Handout : Strategies worksheet
    • Handout: Discharge planning checklist and patient case study
    Click here to access and download Module 16 materials

    Module 17: Post-discharge follow-up
    The following resources for Module 17 are contained within the folder below.
    • Post-discharge follow-up: Trainer’s Guide
    • Post-discharge follow-up: PowerPoint presentation
    • Handout 1: Inpatient STP checklists
    Click here to access and download Module 17 materials

    Module 18: Clinical considerations and special populations
    The following resources for Module 18 are contained within the folder below.
    • Clinical considerations and special populations: Trainer’s Guide
    • Clinical considerations and special populations: PowerPoint presentation
    Click here to access and download Module 18 materials

    Module 19: Myths and facts
    The following resources for Module 19 are contained within the folder below.
    • Myths and facts: Trainer’s Guide
    • Myths and facts: PowerPoint presentation
    Click here to access and download Module 19 materials

    Module 20: FAQs: patient scenarios
    The following resources for Module 20 are contained within the folder below.
    • FAQs: patient scenarios: Trainers Guide
    • FAQs: patient scenarios: PowerPoint presentation
    Click here to access and download Module 20 materials

    Module 21: Course wrap-up
    The following resources for Module 21 are contained within the folder below.
    • Course wrap-up:Trainers Guide
    • Course wrap-up: PowerPoint presentation
    Click here to access and download Module 21 materials


    These suite of training materials were produced by NHS England and the NCSCT, with the support of the Expert Task Group below without whom we could not have produced these high-quality resources.

    Authorship Group Members
    Melanie Perry, NCSCT Inpatient Tobacco Dependence Consultant
    Dr Sophia Papadakis, NCSCT Academic and Health System Consultant
    Susan Montgomery, NCSCT Lead Trainer
    Dr Andy McEwen, NCSCT Chief Executive
    Tom Coleman-Haynes, NCSCT Training Coordinator

    Expert Task Group Members
    Arran Woodhouse, Lead Tobacco Dependence Specialist, King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
    Professor Matt Evison, Consultant Chest Physician, Specialty Lead, Lung Cancer & Thoracic Surgery Directorate, Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
    Associate Medical Director, Greater Manchester Cancer
    Clinical Lead, Make Smoking History, Greater Manchester Regional Tobacco Control Programme, NHS Greater Manchester
    Dr. Ruth Sharrock, Consultant Respiratory Physician, Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust and Clinical Lead for Tobacco Dependence for the North East & North Cumbria
    Caitlin Robison, Smokefree NHS Project Manager, Gateshead NHS Health Foundation Trust

    NHS England Prevention Team
    Paul Cillia LaCorte, Senior Programme Manager - Prevention
    Heidi Croucher, NHS Clinical Consultant and Programme Manager, Public Health Dorset, Dorset ICS
    Hanna Ellison, Manager, Programme Manager, Tobacco Prevention Team, Medical Directorate
    Bea Petrovica, Programme Delivery Manager, Prevention Programme – Tobacco Medical Directorate
    Professor Sanjay Agrawal, National Specialty Adviser for Tobacco Dependency